This week will see a change in the weather and hopefully a turn in the fishing opportunites. As October makes its exit, I feel we may have seen the last of our 70 degree temps. As the storm fronts, along with cooler temps and overcast conditions migrate into the region, the fish will morph into their feeding frenzy in prepartation for winter and the browns are beginning their spawning rituals. If you encounter redds (cleaned and cleared areas of river bottom which are lighter than the surrounding are) please avoid disturbing them, especially wading upstream of them in order to avoid mud and silt covering the eggs which require clean, well-circulated water in order to survive. This small effort on our part will ensure future generations of wild trout to thrive in our area.

The cooler temps and overacst conditions will encourage epic emergeces of BWO's (beatis) and the fish will respond accourdingly. Be prepared with BWO sparkle duns (#18 and #20), BWO emerges and R52s. This is the time to make sure your streamer box is well-stocked. JJ Secials, Lil Kims and Rusty Trombones are all must haves.
The flows at Jackson lake dam are holding at winter levels (290cfs) with good BWO and some Mahogany dun hatches.
Other flows in the area:
Snake above Palisades: 1760cfs
South Fork at Irwin: 2290cfs
Henrys Fork at Ashton: 867cfs
Happy fishing! Ski season is just around the corner.
- Ken Takata