Well it is that funky time of the year here in JH where runoff starts then slows down following weather patterns. As I look out my window it is currently snowing and the outside thermometer reads 28 degrees. Overall it has been a wet and cold April, and May has started in the same fashion. That has been a God send for us. At the end of March we were sitting on a 69% snowpack, as of this morning it is 90%. Good stuff for the Jackson Hole Valley.
With this cold snap, the upper Snake and tributaries are still very fishable. I wouldn't expect things to stay this way though. Probably the next warm weather, the valley will go into full blow runoff. But for now, take advantage of the situation and some fishing.
For dries, we have seen a few of our early season Skawla Stoneflies, Baetis and caddis. You might try searching with size 10 dark foam or a more imitative pattern like Emma's Stone for the Skawlas. A plain old Parachute Adams or Olive Comparadun, both in size 18, are still hard to beat flies for imitating Baetis (BWO's). Hemingway Caddis or maybe a new pattern called Skating Caddis are just natural go to's for the Mother's Day Caddis. Try them in size 16.
Underneath, size 8 and 10 tan, speckled tan and brown rubberlegs will cover for the Skawal nymph. Lighning bugs, Perdigon nymphs in size 16 and 18 for the Baetis and size 16 Ice Pupa for the Caddis.
The perennial JJ special is still a JH favorite streamer. Lil Kim's and Coffey's Sparkle Minnow are falling into the same boat, becoming streamers of choice for our rivers and streams.
As I mentioned, I don't expect these conditions to hold that much longer, so get out there and enjoy the fishing while you can. Stop on by the store for daily fishing updates!