River and stream water levels are still high, cold and colored but are dropping quickly. A day or two can make a big difference on fishability. While not perfect conditions, there are options for fooling the cutthroats. First, look for water that is slow enough for them to live in and with enough depth for cover. Most of this will be along banks, behind rock structures and in back eddies. You will probably be fishing spots that might be dry land in a couple of weeks.

The best fishing will be in the afternoon due to temperatures and the potential for more insect activity. Also, most fishing will be subsurface. Try one of my new Squishy Turd stonefly nymphs with a Glass House Caddis above it. Drop this into those deeper, slower pockets.
Slow fishing a smaller streamer is another possibility. I like the Jig Clump Leech or Sculpzilla in black. Spin fisherman slow swim a Panther Martin. Be careful wading as even small streams can take you down. Flat Creek at the Southpark Feedgrounds, Pacific Creek in Teton Park and Hoback River are all options.
Good spring flows are great for trout and riparian habitats... and also for mosquitos! With warm weather and lots of wet soil, mosquito season is starting. How to protect yourself: clothes, repellent and Thermacell. Lightweight quick-dry pants and shirts protect you from the sun and are physical barriers to bugs. For even more protection, try the Simms Bugstopper clothing with permethrin. The only two proven topical repellents with clinical and functional testing are Deet and Picaridin. Both work very well, but I prefer Picaridin since it is safer on fly lines than Deet. Thermacell heat-activated devices work really well, too. A butane cartridge or USB rechargeable, depending on the model, heat the repellent and make a 15 to 20 foot bug-free zone. They can be used on person, boat or in camp.