I wish this report could be as glowing as the last two, but 2-weeks of high 80’s and low 90 degree weather, has had negative effect on some waters in the Yellowstone area. Jackson Hole’s rivers and streams have still been fishing quite well but beware of water temperatures. Today I fished the main stem of the Snake here in Jackson Hole and stopped fishing at 1:30; water temperature was pushing the high 60’s. I encourage all fishermen to be responsible and cognizant of steam temperatures. For me when water temperature exceeds 65 degrees, it is time to stop fishing. Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited has been supplying JDHCO with thermometers. So if you don't own a thermometer you can pick up a FREE one at the shop!
Now for some good news; as I mentioned Jackson Hole rivers and streams have been still fishing quite well and the grasshopper season has started here. And it is looking like it’s going to be a big hopper year! A couple of new or different patterns we have been doing well with have been a Mimic Hopper and the Juicy Hopper in pink. You can’t beat the reliability of the old standard Schroeder’s Parachute Hopper as well.
Of course, we can't let this fishing report through without mentioning the long awaited, Flat Creek opener on August 1st. Dry fly fishing reports have been great along with awesome wildlife viewing - otters, birds, and howling coyotes. Gray Drakes, baby hoppers, and PMDs should do the trick - match the hatch for the time of day you are out there. Be considerate and respectful of other anglers and of course, the trout!
Water flows in the Pinedale area has dropped precipitously and the high temperatures are taking its toll there, morning and evening fishing has been good, but the middle of the day has been tough. Matching the hatch fishing in the upper river has been good in the morning but pretty much done by noon. Look for Spinners, PMD’s, and Yellow Sallies. Floating below Warren Bridge with a foam dropper system is still very effective. A Circus Peanut and a Duracell Jig Nymph sounds boring but potent.
Over on the South Fork things have been confusing. It seems the section and time of day has been key. We’ve had reports of stellar fishing and others of just OK. Last weekend some of us from the shop fished the same section, though they weren’t fishing together, one group had very good fishing and the other boat, not so much. Golden Stones, Yellow Sallies, PMD’s and Caddis for the evening are the fish’s soup
du jour. Shallow nymphing the riffles with Perdigon’s and Gold Lighting Bugs has been productive.
Other good news is rain is predicted for the next couple of days and cooler temps. Let’s hope so.
Until next time, good fishing. - Howard Cole